Sasori Ryu Ninjutsu

vectorThere are many names for a practitioner of Ninjutsu. Some of the better known being Shinobi, Ninja,and Kunoichi. To become a Ninja requires you to learn the traditional method of espionage, to become like a covert agent resembling  that of the secret service. Characterized by the use of stealthy movements and camouflage, Male and Female Ninja alike learn the techniques of gathering information, the ability to move about undetected, and to use disguise to blend into their environment and avoid discovery. A Ninja will utilize whatever skills he or she has to get the job done. Ninjutsu is very different from most Martial arts. If you are attacked or must defend yourself, you will learn how one strike or movement can create the necessary opening to recede to safety. It will teach you how to defend yourself so you DO NOT have to fight. Your Instructor, respectfully referred to as Sensei, will also teach you a collaboration of kicks, punches, throws and rolls to name a few. As you progress, training will become more complex and increase in difficulty. Ninjutsu rewards it’s students through an elevated belt system and with each belt level achieved Students of Ninjutsu will appreciate greater physical endurance, reaction time,balance and improved self discipline. Most importantly, RESPECT, which is the paramount principal behind Martial arts will not only be taught but enforced at Burst Martial arts.


Ages 8 and up classes Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 to 7:30 pm.